Engage more with Virtual Try-On

Transform the way you communicate with customers to grow your business with Virtual Try-On
Try how it works live
Easy Start
Integrate WANNA App SDK or WEB SDK into your app or website
5-6 working days
Upload 3D models
Choose from WANNA Catalogue, upload your own via WANNA Studio™ or we can help you to create them
3 times
Number of new users increased
Conversion to store from Try-On is
1 photo
and made
10.9 shoes
The average user virtually tried
5 times
Average session time increased up to
4.2 million
monthly try-ons
78% of users
that bought Nike's Travis Scott sneaker
played around with the AR version on GOAT first
Try-on increased social interaction in the APP
Increase in session time
+ 580% Unique Viewers
Brings attention to product
+ 300%
Product page stay time
4 times
Product page share rate increased
Success stories
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Gucci, Farfetch and Goat are already using our technology
Revolutionize customer experience with WANNA AR solutions
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Revolutionize customer experience with WANNA AR solutions
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